© Morganix

Music Production

Roland JP-8080

Sequencing with the JP-8080

This article adresses the unique issues you will meet when sequencing with the Roland JP-8080 and show you how to solve them using illustrated examples.

After studying the article, you will learn how to route the MIDI-connections correctly and be rescued from fighting «The Dreaded MIDI-loop»

Earth 2 Metaverse


Earth 2 Essence (ESS) Rates

Live chart from DEXTools showing rates in realtime for the Earth 2 ESS token.

Links to Earth 2 Essence (ESS) Price Prediction 2024, 2025–2030 and other online resources.

Balama Mine

Balama Mine

Balama Mine is full of copious Vanadium in the real world. That is also true for Earth 2. This article will guide you on where to find it.

The mine also has Graphite, but that's not currently implemented in E2's list of resources.

Tesources and Jewels CheatSheet

Resoures & Jewels CheatSheet

CheatSheet covering all (32) Earth 2 resources and their corresponding jewels. Also showing all crafting-combinations beyond the 8 basic jewels.

The page has an online version and link to a hi-rez PDF version that can be printed to a single A4 page.

The Great Dyke of Zimbabwe

The Great Dyke of Zimbabwe

The "Dyke" is a phenomenon full of resources in the real world. That is also true for Earth 2. This article will guide you on where to find them.

There is copious Copper, Gold, Nickel, Chromium, Cobalt, Platinum, Iridium – and more.